Developer info:
Our remarks are labelled like this in this mock up of a settings page. All data is dummy data and the page is done in static html just for illustration purposes.
Most of this settings communicate with an external API and we have full back-end priveledges to the API as well as extensive knowledge of the API it self. We also provide a Sandbox account.
It is an HTTP REST interface divided into distinct resources, each documented separately. Data exchange is done with XML
The flow of the Cargonizer API:
- GET profile.xml
- GET printers.xml
- GET transport-agreements.xml
- GET service-partnerst.xml (If required by transport-agreements.xml)
- POST consignments.xml
- GET printers.xml (print)
Everything you see here is up for discussion and even though this settings page is still work in progress we believe most settings are covered.
If you know better ways to do this, we are all ears :) This is just how we would have done it in other systems, but due to our little experience in Shopify we might ask for too much or too little. Bear with us and we'll bear with you.
We have bought this template in use and can provide all source files, also the source files for this settings page that is our own design based on the template. We ar enot "hell bent" on using this template, but would prefer it. The template also offers a Ruby on Rails set.